“Satire Night Fever!” - Sydney Arts Guide

”The 13th Month has a roughhewn rawness played out with feverish fun!” - Sydney Arts Guide

★★★★ –Sydney Arts Guide

In a quiet private room, a group of billionaires gather to debate time, while two long-suffering political staffers try the impossible, actually get something meaningful done before they get voted out. The plan? Compromising on their morals and getting the ultra-rich to throw their weight and money behind adding a 13th month and tricking them into unwittingly endorsing a more socialist work week and by preying on their desire to play God. All this is in exchange for lifting sanctions on a self-titled fascist politician so the billionaires can do business with him. But everything has a price, and it’s more than a public servant’s salary.

This play is inspired by real events, a real idea, and a real committee that existed...twice!